The primary focus of this training workshop is to learn how to design and model 3D Printing and Universal VLS Laser Cutting Systems using CorelDraw software.

This module is restricted to VCU students enrolled in a degree program. VCU College of Engineering or VCU da Vinci Center of Innovation students may qualify for a discount. Students must complete the Online Makerspace Orientation and General Safety Training module before enrolling. at: engineering/documents/mne/VCUCoEGRMakerspaceOrientationandGeneralSafetyTrainingModuleAccessInstructions.pdf

This training workshop provides you with the fundamentals of 3D printing through easy examples to get you started printing from scratch! You will look at laser cutting designs and learn how to deal with specific constraints. You will learn about parametrically, a powerful method of 3D modeling which demonstrates how you can be an efficient and effective 3D modeler. This course is perfect if you are interested in either 3D printing and/or laser cutting.


Find out more and register through the link:

plate with fork and knife, books, microscope and test tubes