• Session 6 of Serious Mental Illness in Focus: Specialized Topics for Practitioners, Jan. 30-April 24, 2025.
  • Registration details TBD

Speaker Samantha Day, D.S.W., LCSW, will explore the complex intersection of severe mental illness (SMI) with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD). The session highlights the unique challenges faced by individuals who experience both conditions, including diagnostic complexities, limited treatment options and disparities in healthcare access. The discussion emphasizes the importance of tailored, interdisciplinary approaches to care that address the specific needs of this population, aiming for improved quality of life and outcomes. 

  • Review the complex intersection of severe mental illness (SMI) with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD).
  • Discuss unique challenges faced by individuals who experience both conditions, including diagnostic complexities, limited treatment options and disparities in healthcare access.
  • Evaluate interdisciplinary approaches to care that address the specific needs of this population, aiming for improved quality of life and outcomes.
Social Work
Samantha Day, D.S.W., LCSW
Community Based Health Care Providers, VCU Alumni, VCU Health Care Providers
Contact Information
Geoff LoCicero (804) 828-9335
Special Needs
Cassie DeSena-Jacobs (804) 828-1030