Circulating Cell-Free DNA as a Diagnostic Tool in Cancer and Transplantation

At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

1. To understand the rationale for using graft-derived cell-free DNA analysis in organ transplantation, including some recent evidence for its clinical utility
2. To appreciate the methodology used and the applications of circulating cell-free plasma DNA analysis in cancer
3. To be able to explain the diagnostic and prognostic value of chromosomal instability as assessed in tumor-derived cell-free DNA

plate with fork and knife, books, microscope and test tubes
Medicine: Pathology
Michael Oellerich, MD, Hon MD, FAACC, FAMM, FFPath (RCPI), FRCPath, Distinguished Research Professor of Clinical Chemistry, George-August-University, University Medical Center Goettingen, Department of Clinical Pharmacology
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