Hazardous drugs (HDs) require safe and responsible handling for you and your team, whether medical, nursing, or pharmacy.  USP <800> standards provide oversight guidance on best practices for compounding HDs. This program reviews current and proposed regulations and recommends best practices concerning all aspects of handling HDs.

This one-day workshop will include:

  • understanding quality systems, process flow and risk assessment;
  • preparing for inspection readiness, and;
  • provide practical application including hands-on skills development and implementation of best practices when compounding sterile and nonsterile HDs.

$450 Registration Fee

plate with fork and knife, books, microscope and test tubes
VCU School of Pharmacy Office of Continuing Education
VCU Health Continuing Medical Education
Barbara Exum, PharmD & Quamrun N Masuda, PhD, RPh
VCU Health Care Providers, VCU Physicians, Community Based Health Care Providers, Community Based Physicians
See agenda and register