Title: Clinical Research Administration (CRA): Who We Are, What We Do!
CE: 1.0 CE credit hour for SOCRA CCRP Renewal. Only SOCRA members receive Certificates of Attendance. The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA - www.SOCRA.org) accepts documentation of candidate participation in continuing education programs for re-certification if the program is applicable to clinical research regulations, operations or management, or to the candidate’s clinical research therapeutic area.
About the speaker: Juellisa Secosky, CRA, CCRC is the Assistant Director for Clinical Research Administration at VCU Massey Cancer Center. She has been a clinical research professional at VCU for 14 years, first serving as a research assistant, then as a clinical research coordinator, and now oversees the clinical research administration team at VCU Massey Cancer Center. She maintains her certification in Research Administration through RACC and her clinical research coordinator certification through ACRP.
Please share this announcement with your colleagues. SOCRA members and non-members welcome!
Central Virginia SOCRA Chapter Co-chairs:
Shirley Helm, MS, CCRP
Patti Feldt, AAS, CCRP