Title: The Evolution of Vulnerability – The Ethics of Equitable Subject Selection
Objectives: By the end of this session, attendees will be able to
About the speaker: Dr. Quincy J. Byrdsong is the Executive Director for Research Administration at the WellStar Research Institute for WellStar Health System, the largest Health System in the State of Georgia. Dr. Byrdsong has extensive expertise in providing strategic vision, operational organization, and programmatic infrastructure to complex institutions of higher education and healthcare systems.
Dr. Byrdsong received his bachelor and master’s degrees in biology from Middle Tennessee State University. He received his Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction at Tennessee State University. He is a Certified IRB Professional (CIP) as well as a Certified Clinical Research Professional (CCRP) and is the President-Elect for the Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA).
CE: 1.0 CE credit hour for SOCRA CCRP Renewal. Only SOCRA members receive Certificates of Attendance. The Society of Clinical Research Associates (SOCRA ‐ www.SOCRA.org) accepts documentation of candidate participation in continuing education programs for re‐certification if the program is applicable to clinical research regulations, operations or management, or to the candidate’s clinical research therapeutic area.
Please share this announcement with your colleagues. SOCRA members and non‐members welcome!
Central Virginia SOCRA Chapter Co-chairs
Shirley Helm, MS, CCRP Patti Feldt, AAS, CCRP
804-628-2942 804-628-1902